Things got a little hectic this past week. I'm going to wrap things up briefly with a couple legit reviews and simply panels and a few words for the rest. Then, on to this week's comics. There's simply too much to cover the first half of each month and little the second. Maybe I'll spread the reviews out in the future so that they're not necessarily specific to the date of release.
Take note of the new rating system as well. Let's call it X out of 5 Mokkelbosts, hm?
Swamp Thing #8
Swamp Thing is finally revealed in full as he confronts Sethe, the "stinking Lord of the Rot," in hopes of rescuing Abigail Arcane from its clenches. Head-to-toe in Mignolia-esque medieval armor of his own Green composition, Swampy bears lush wings and a crown of spiked antlers. It would seem goofy if it didn't look so badass.
Snyder nails Alec Holland's complete acceptance of his role, having
dragged him kicking and screaming to accept his role as heir to the
Swamp Thing legacy. There are no traces of the reluctant hero here.